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Personal Details
NOTEIf you were born outside Italy, select 'Estero' in the Province of birth field and then select your country of birth from the drop-down list.
Access and Security
Username is required to enhance the security of your account. Username must begin with a letter and contain only letters, digits and ‘-‘ or ‘_’ symbols. It should be between 3 and 32 characters in length.
NOTEUsername will be used for authorisation.
Once set, the username cannot be changed.
The password will be used for website authorisation. The minimum password length is 8 characters, and your password must include at least 3 of any of the following: numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and other symbols. Your password cannot contain any of the following information: your email, first name, surname or date of birth, and it must not match any existing passwords that you use for your email accounts, social media, etc.
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